
Genealogy of Family History Scrapbook also place/louiseie

Friday, April 10, 2009


Geez here it is the 10th Friday and Easter is this Sunday, was going to have a big dinner, but not sure now. They are here putting new tile down on the whole downstairs area. So if kitchen isn't ready to cook in well we will be going out or to the park for a Easter picnic, lol.
But we will see........
We will find time and place for the bunny to hide eggs for a hunt at least. Well here is wishing everyone a Happy Easter. Hopfully will be back for more before Easter.
If not don't forget to have a chocolate bunny for me, okay!!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Geez it is almost Easter, my bunnies are still hopping around, haven't even started thinking about egg hunts or dinner.
But that is okay, I always get it done. This is going to be short it is late and I have a couple of more things to check on.
More later!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Sorry it has been a while since I have been on here, don't know why except I get so wrapped up with scrapbooking that is just take me into space.
I forget to do anything else. And I just have a ton of old pictures to take care of, just don't know if I will ever get it done.

I just posted a sweet scrap page of my neices, my brothers grandkids, so actually they are my great-neices. But in our family we are not really big on the GREAT thing. You are either Aunt or Uncle grandma or grandpa. Unless you are me or my husband and our grandkids call us Grammie and Grampie. So that is what we are called thru out the family. Well I take that back, we are also known as AKA Aunty Carol and Uncle Don.
So anyway, we were gearing up for the big VIRUS that was suppose to hit today, had my neigbor come check out the computer here in the house. He said we were good to go.
So that made me feel better.
Well okay I guess I will go back to my scrapbooking, will return soon