
Genealogy of Family History Scrapbook also place/louiseie

Friday, May 7, 2010


Well I thought while I was here I would post a pic of our new puppy (Corky) is his name-O.... he is so cute we are having so much fun with him.... we haven't had a puppy since we lost our little girl several years ago.... so he is much welcomed in our home.

FRIDAY.......... YEPPIE.......

Well here it is Friday May 7th my daughter in law's birthday... already told her H BD on FB and also tried to get here on IM mgs but she didn't answer.
So I think I will send her some flowers for both Mothers Day and her Birthday......

I'm also going to post a scrap page I did yesterday for the Digi Mag...... Freebie in the June issue...
I have done two so far not sure how many they want... guess they will tell me to stop when I have to many....lolol

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Holy crap where did this year go... we are getting into summer here in Arizona we will see 100 degrees today. So we are well getting into it... the A/C is running... god here we go with the 400.00 light bills.

Oh well can't win for losing with the weather.... when we lived in Utah we had 400.00 dollar heating bills... so no matter where you live you get it one way or the other.

So just touching bases with you and have just posted a new picture of my grand daughter.

Black & White Wedding Photo (granddaughter)

This is my granddaughter Andrea, these were a few pre wedding photo's taken and I had found this black and white kit... and a challenge for freebie kits that we have done pages with... so I thought I would do it using these pics..

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Edition of Digi Mag

Just wanted to post the cover to May Edition to the Digi Mag.... be sure to go over and take a look she has used a few of my pages for the May Edition. I'm just so excited. Here is the site for the magazine, go over a check it out she has featured a few of my