
Genealogy of Family History Scrapbook also place/louiseie

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


It's now 2013, my last post was in Oct. I think of last year, well alot has happened since then. We had a baby girl in Oct. last pictures posted was a baby shower for her..... Savannah Page Dykens.... she is a doll baby. Will post pictures later.... then in November I went in to the hospital, for the same...flued retention, so they put me on pills and sent me home after seven days. But doing good, lost almost 100 pound of water and weight so that is a good thing.

Then of course there came Christmas, and New Years....and bingo it is now 2013..... where does the time go. All the family is good....
I have changed my direction of crafting,  I'm now working in appliquing and embroidering on my new machine very nice.... so not sure if I will just add to this or start a new one......

Well I will add a couple of pictures.... we will start with Savannah.... from birth until today she is almost six months oldd.