
Genealogy of Family History Scrapbook also place/louiseie

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Week End before Christmas

Well here it is the last week-end before ole sant nice arrives, and the stores are really busy with the last minute shoppers, like me.

I have a few more things to pick up but I'm not looking forward to it at all, but I have to do it.
I just finished putting up all the decorations that I'm going to, we aren't having company this year just who lives here. So it looks like the hoiday, enough for lex to get the feeling.
We are staying home this year, thought our granddaughter was coming from SLC but doesn't look like it now. Well the weather is horrable, airports closed and delays all over the place. We don't have to worry about the snow anymore, but people couldn't fly out of our airport yesterday, due to closers in other states.

So she is going to try and make it for Lexie's birthday in Febuary, weather could be not so good then either. But we will see.

Okay need to go get dressed and start thinking about shopping, oh yukkkk!!!!

Have a good day, will be back later today or tomorrow.

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