
Genealogy of Family History Scrapbook also place/louiseie

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Here is the Perez Twins....... The are our family twins.... there are more twins in the family but they are all off somewhere else.... there is the Maxwell twins on my mom's side of the family and then there are the two sets of twins on the Hainey's side... dad's brother had twin girls and dad him self had twin boys... So we have our share of twins that is all I know about..... could be more somewhere...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


This is our youngest great granddaughter.... she is helping her grandma make brownie's, she is have a ton of fun

Bridal Pictures

This is one of my favortie pages of the bridal picture's that I have done... there are many more I just haven't gotten them done...
Well I did figure out how to post smaller pictures..... so that is good.... okay I will post a couple more then I have to go get somethings done....
Well I did figure out how to post smaller pictures..... so that is good.... okay I will post a couple more then I have to go get somethings done....


This is Alexis taken in 2008... what a cutie

Going to try again....

Okay maybe this is the answer... these two darling's are granddaughter and great granddaughter.. neice and aunt... but they remind me of each other so much... this is a great page of them....

Pictures (what happened)

We I'm not sure what has happened to the size of my pictures..(and I don't know how to make them smaller)....
But I will keep posting them they are huge... but at least you can see them... lol


home again and back again..... lol..... it just has been a long time for one reason and another... I really try to keep up with this blog but it seems that it doesn't happen.

Not much new,,, hubby had some medical issue's but things are doing good now... well I say good... good as they can be.

I want to turn this into a scrap only blog... it is almost that now this is where I post all my pages...

Okay got to get going... will return soon