
Genealogy of Family History Scrapbook also place/louiseie

Friday, April 23, 2010


Well here it is Friday again, not sure what is going to happen around here this week-end.. nothing planned.
Maybe I could make some scrap pages from some older pictures that are just being stored.. but I really need a scanner for that... not right now maybe next month.

I'm going to start a recipe section, my kids are always saying how they aren't going to know how to cook anything one of these days..... so I think I will start recording my recipe dishes for them. I will try to do it with measurements, cause I don't cook that way... so it is going to be hard to put them down in writing..... but I will try.

And I'm trying to get started with some scrap booking sites that are on F B as a CT... and I really would like to learn how to make kits... maybe that will be my next adventure.

Okay.... more later maybe

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